Can an Ancient Treasure Map Lead to Great Discoveries?
A Daring Journey
Dead Sea Secrets is an adventure novel spanning several generations, based on the true story of deciphering a mysterious treasure map found in a Dead Sea cave. Known as the Copper Scroll, this treasure map was made almost 2,000 years ago and lists 60 sites holding tons of gold, silver and other treasures.
A Love Story
While working as a typist at the British Embassy in Baghdad in 1938, Danielle Dawson receives an intercepted Nazi cable and recognizes its mysterious code. A most unlikely spy, she joins intelligence officer Elliott Owen in searching for legendary treasures that German archaeologists believe were hidden in the nearby ruins of Babylon. Will their growing desire and attraction for each other put their mission and lives in danger?
Ancient Mysteries
Two generations later, Sam Romero works as an international investigator for the FBI’s Legal Attaché service. Assigned to investigate the theft of an ancient treasure map known as the Copper Scroll, Sam joins the lovely reporter Rebecca Schreiber on an adventurous journey to the Dead Sea and underground passageways beneath Jerusalem’s Old City. When Rebecca is kidnapped by the thieves, Sam must use his great-grandmother Danielle Dawson’s journal to decipher the treasure map to rescue Rebecca and bring the thieves to justice.
A Bold Plan
Racing against the clock to solve the mystery of the Copper Scroll, Sam realizes that Rebecca is being held captive at one of the treasure sites. Arriving at the ancient fortress of Masada, he must climb its massive cliff walls and attempt to rescue her from the thieves. Having finally unlocked the Copper Scroll’s secrets, can Sam use its hidden message to save Rebecca and defeat the thieves’ sinister plans?