The Authors
Our Story
When they began to write an adventure novel together, Alia and Paul never imagined that their characters would begin solving an ancient mystery. Alia and Paul had decided to use the supposedly “unsolvable” mystery of the Copper Scroll as a plot device. However, our characters had other ideas and began to solve the mystery.
Paul Donsbach
Paul Donsbach is a part-time author with a law practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. With an interest in ancient history and the world’s diverse spiritual traditions, he has enjoyed traveling widely to Europe, Egypt and the Near East. He is the happily married father of two children and two stepchildren and recently became a proud grandfather as well.
Alia Sina
Alia Sina holds a law degree and undergraduate and master’s degrees in the arts and sciences. Raised by first-generation American parents who emigrated from Afghanistan, she draws strength from her cultural and religious traditions and from her parents’ stories of their lives in Afghanistan and their successes in a new home. As the mother of young children in a small community, she prefers to write pseudonymously for now.